Monday 9 July 2018

Friday's art- Self Portrait

25th of May, The children drew self Portrait by water colour.

First of all, the children drew their own face by pencil.

At general play, some children enjoy to some drawing by marker.
This time I would like to see how much they can draw selfportrait.

Drawing selfportrait has two perspective. One is the children can see their face by using mirror.
another one is using their imagination. This time I asked them to using their imagination.

Some children drew a face which is filled in the paper, a child drew small himself, because
he wanted to draw his whole body.

We could tell how the children growth in fine motor control,
the ability to make specific shapes - such as an oval face and size of eyes or mouth,
how many more details the child observes, hair, teeth, eyelashes, eyebrows.

And also that telling the children these personal ideas all differents like everybody has different face and skin colour and different shapes and size of part of body. And all fine and beautiful.

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